Makeup artist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Makeup artist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Tennessee $77,560
Florida $75,670
Georgia $58,000
Hawaii $47,720
Colorado $45,980
Pennsylvania $45,350
Texas $42,550
New Jersey $41,000
Puerto Rico $38,610
Illinois $30,100
Louisiana $28,620
Nevada $23,730
California $164,090
New York $129,500
District of Columbia $101,480

How do makeup artist salaries compare to similar careers?

Makeup artists earn about the same as related careers in Georgia. On average, they make less than film and video editors but more than real estate appraisers.

Career Median Salary
Film and video editor salary $52K
Multimedia animator salary $57K
Graphic designer salary $54K
Librarian salary $61K
Industrial designer salary $58K
Makeup artist salary $58K
Clergy member salary $53K
Exhibit designer salary $55K
American sign language interpreter salary $55K
Real estate appraiser salary $51K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)