Mathematician earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Mathematician salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New York $98,280
Colorado $97,230
Indiana $92,570
Florida $86,300
Rhode Island $79,660
Nevada $76,690
Pennsylvania $76,250
Texas $53,620
District of Columbia $135,030
Virginia $124,220
Maryland $122,600
New Jersey $121,160
Washington $119,860
California $118,210
Illinois $109,620
Ohio $109,350
New Mexico $105,780

How do mathematician salaries compare to similar careers?

Mathematicians earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than financial advisors but more than nanotechnology engineers.

Career Median Salary
Financial advisor salary $94K
Talent agent salary $78K
Operations manager salary $98K
Biochemist salary $102K
Industrial organizational psychologist salary $105K
Mathematician salary $108K
Electrical engineer salary $100K
Nanosystems engineer salary $101K
Biochemical engineer salary $101K
Nanotechnology engineer salary $101K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)