There are currently an estimated 63,800 aerospace engineers in the United States. The aerospace engineer job market is expected to grow by 6.1% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are aerospace engineers?

CareerExplorer rates aerospace engineers with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 6,800 aerospace engineers. That number is based on 3,900 additional aerospace engineers, and the retirement of 2,900 existing aerospace engineers.

Are aerospace engineers in demand?

While overall demand for aerospace engineers is projected to be weak, expected opportunities will stem largely from the need to replace retirees and the necessity to hire U.S. citizens because of the security clearances required for jobs related to national defense. The impetus to redesign commercial aircraft to decrease noise pollution and increase fuel efficiency should create some openings for engineers who work on engines and propulsion systems. However, mergers of defense contractors and slowdowns in manufacturing sectors may temper this growth. The emergence of private civilian companies developing low-orbit and beyond-earth-orbit technologies for human and robotic space travel will add a small number of openings in the field, specifically for aerospace engineers familiar with modeling, simulation, and robotics. Another marginal increase in job opportunities may occur for those trained in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, which enables design testing in a less costly digital environment. On the other hand, this technology may lead to a reduction in the number of engineers hired to conduct more traditional testing. While a Bachelor’s Degree is the minimal educational requirement for entry-level positions in the field, aerospace engineers who offer services directly to the public and aspire to increasingly responsible roles must earn a professional engineer license and the designation ‘PE.’ Of course, those with a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. will further widen their employment options, particularly in research and teaching. Through membership in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), aerospace engineers have access to continuing education and networking programs, both of which are imperative in this always-competitive job market.

What’s the supply of aerospace engineers?

The aerospace engineer industry is concentrated in California, Texas, Alabama

Aerospace Engineer job market by state

State Name Employed Aerospace Engineers
California 11,450
Texas 7,030
Alabama 4,660
Ohio 4,450
Maryland 2,780
Florida 2,560
Georgia 2,480
Kansas 2,380
Colorado 2,370
Arizona 2,130
Virginia 2,040
Connecticut 1,950
New Jersey 1,670
Utah 1,020
Pennsylvania 990
Oklahoma 980
Michigan 950
Massachusetts 780
New Mexico 630
North Carolina 610
Puerto Rico 520
Indiana 440
Nevada 380
New York 340
Illinois 310
District of Columbia 300
Minnesota 300
Oregon 170
Tennessee 160
Kentucky 140
Nebraska 120
Mississippi 110
West Virginia 80
Louisiana 50
Hawaii 40
Wisconsin 40