Animal scientist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Animal scientist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Kentucky $78,780
Maryland $77,450
Iowa $77,030
Indiana $77,030
North Carolina $72,390
Washington $72,010
Illinois $69,100
Ohio $68,530
Pennsylvania $61,920
South Dakota $61,920
Minnesota $61,910
Michigan $61,780
Kansas $61,630
Missouri $59,820
Florida $59,000
Colorado $58,880
Georgia $57,570
Wisconsin $56,710
Massachusetts $55,430
Nebraska $50,240
Tennessee $50,090
Louisiana $48,030
Texas $47,210
Oklahoma $21,160
California $192,120
New Jersey $103,120
New York $101,560

How do animal scientist salaries compare to similar careers?

Animal scientists earn about the same as related careers in Tennessee. On average, they make less than neuropsychologists but more than biostatisticians.

Career Median Salary
Neuropsychologist salary $96K
Nanosystems engineer salary $82K
Nanotechnology engineer salary $82K
Biochemical engineer salary $82K
Geologist salary $72K
Animal scientist salary $50K
Scientist salary $69K
Geospatial information scientist salary $72K
Microbiologist salary $57K
Biostatistician salary $66K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)