There are currently an estimated 3,700 embalmers in the United States. The embalmer job market is expected to remain the same size between 2016 and 2026.

How employable are embalmers?

CareerExplorer rates embalmers with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 6,200 embalmers. That number is based on the retirement of 6,200 existing embalmers.

Are embalmers in demand?

A rather bleak job outlook is predicted for embalmers. The decline in opportunities has occurred as more people choose cremation over burial, due to both generally lower cost and questions regarding use of land for cemeteries. In addition, environmentalists are raising concerns over the effects of embalming fluids on soil organisms and air quality. This is due to the fact that most embalming fluids have traditionally been a combination of chemicals including formaldehyde, a volatile chemical known for its preservative, fungicidal, and bactericidal properties. Demand for embalming services may decrease further, as even when human remains are buried, U.S. law typically requires embalming only for transporting remains between states or when burial is delayed. The opposition of some religions to embalming exerts more negative pressure on this occupation. Prospects for promotion or advancement in the field are generally much better for embalmers who are also trained and licensed as funeral directors. Some embalmers may find work with embalming companies which do not direct funerals or with disaster teams, embalming the bodies of people killed in air crashes or other disasters. Experienced practitioners may be appointed to professional boards, write for scientific journals, or teach embalming courses.

What’s the supply of embalmers?

The embalmer industry is concentrated in California, Tennessee, Kentucky

Embalmer job market by state

State Name Employed Embalmers
California 420
Tennessee 250
Kentucky 250
Missouri 240
Oklahoma 220
Virginia 190
Georgia 180
Ohio 170
South Carolina 160
Louisiana 150
Alabama 130
Florida 130
Arkansas 130
Colorado 110
Kansas 90
Oregon 60