There are currently an estimated 6,300 explosives workers in the United States. The explosives worker job market is expected to grow by 7.9% between 2016 and 2026.

How employable are explosives workers?

CareerExplorer rates explosives workers with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 7,600 explosives workers. That number is based on 500 additional explosives workers, and the retirement of 7,100 existing explosives workers.

Are explosives workers in demand?

Minimal demand for explosives workers is predicted for the foreseeable future. While it remains true that builders must tear down old buildings and factories to increase the amount of useable land and make way for new developments, only certain structures require demolition by explosives. This is among the primary reasons for the projected poor job outlook in the field, even as cities continue to modernize and redevelop aging neighborhoods. Opportunities for explosives workers in the mining industry should remain stable. However, this sector will continue to be challenged by social, political, and economic trends. Most notably, the debate on taxation for mining around the world is growing in intensity. This has led many jurisdictions to reform their tax regimes to increase the tax burden for mining projects and make project profits more accessible to the communities and people affected. These kinds of pressures on the industry are projected to persist and therefore potentially impact jobs for all mining workers. Depending on the focus and extent of their education, experienced explosives workers may transition to engineering, technician, chemist, or mine inspector roles in the industry.

What’s the supply of explosives workers?

The explosives worker industry is concentrated in Texas, Oklahoma, Montana

Explosives Worker job market by state

State Name Employed Explosives Workers
Texas 880
Oklahoma 530
Montana 410
Indiana 410
Kentucky 270
Tennessee 240
Arizona 160
Arkansas 160
Alabama 150
Wyoming 140
Pennsylvania 130
California 130
New Mexico 120
New York 100
Virginia 90
West Virginia 90
Iowa 90
Florida 80
Hawaii 80
Louisiana 70
Utah 60
Nevada 50
North Carolina 40
Washington 40
Alaska 40
Ohio 30