There are currently an estimated 13,600 insurance appraisers in the United States. The insurance appraiser job market is expected to shrink by -2.2% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are insurance appraisers?

CareerExplorer rates insurance appraisers with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 3,800 insurance appraisers. That number is based on the retirement of 4,100 existing insurance appraisers.

Are insurance appraisers in demand?

At first glance, average job growth might be expected for insurance appraisers. The expansion of the health industry, in particular, should create appraiser opportunities. This will result from federal legislation in the U.S. mandating individual coverage and increasing the number of health insurance customers, including high-risk individuals who are more likely to file claims. A growing elderly population will also contribute to the volume of claims to be appraised. More claims should lead to increased demand for insurance appraisers to determine which treatments are approved and how much coverage will be provided. The number of appraisers needed may escalate further in the face of rising medical costs, which prompt insurance companies to scrutinize claims even more carefully. The occurrence of natural disasters, such as fires and floods, consistently influences demand for property and casualty appraisers. However, all of these preceding factors suggesting overall employment growth in the insurance field will be offset to some degree by technology. Increasingly, less complex claims are being largely processed by automated systems. The net positive effect on the industry is that appraisers are able to focus on and better evaluate more complex claims. The net negative effect, though, is a reduction in the numbers of appraisers required and available positions. Auto damage appraisers are also projected to encounter fewer employment opportunities, as vehicles continue to become safer and per capita automobile accidents decline. Job seekers will have the best chances of finding work in catastrophe adjustment in high-risk areas, such as the hurricane-prone Gulf Coast. Experienced insurance appraisers may become chief appraisers or claims supervisors.

What’s the supply of insurance appraisers?

The insurance appraiser industry is concentrated in California, Texas, Florida

Insurance Appraiser job market by state

State Name Employed Insurance Appraisers
California 3,360
Texas 1,830
Florida 1,580
New Jersey 1,090
New York 700
Arizona 560
Ohio 520
Massachusetts 500
Georgia 460
Pennsylvania 460
Maryland 460
Virginia 410
Alabama 370
Illinois 360
Missouri 280
Washington 270
North Carolina 250
Tennessee 250
Puerto Rico 240
Connecticut 230
Michigan 210
Louisiana 190
Kansas 120
Colorado 120
Indiana 100
Minnesota 90
New Hampshire 60
Utah 60
Hawaii 50
Wisconsin 50
Iowa 40
Arkansas 30