Marine engineer earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Marine engineer salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Massachusetts $96,820
Georgia $95,130
Mississippi $95,130
Maine $90,760
Oregon $90,560
Texas $87,330
Hawaii $81,870
Virginia $80,130
Alabama $78,210
Missouri $76,310
Florida $74,760
Idaho $74,400
Louisiana $74,160
Pennsylvania $62,430
District of Columbia $134,760
Maryland $119,220
Alaska $117,830
Connecticut $116,720
New Jersey $114,350
New York $105,810
Washington $100,580
California $100,290

How do marine engineer salaries compare to similar careers?

Marine engineers earn about the same as related careers in Oregon. On average, they make less than nanotechnology engineers but more than chemical engineers.

Career Median Salary
Nanotechnology engineer salary $92K
Photonics engineer salary $92K
Mechatronics engineer salary $92K
Nanosystems engineer salary $92K
Robotics engineer salary $92K
Marine engineer salary $91K
Naval architect salary $91K
Electrical engineer salary $87K
Product safety engineer salary $88K
Chemical engineer salary $89K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)