Paving stone installer earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Paving stone installer salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Virginia $40,090
Wisconsin $35,030
Nevada $34,820
Florida $34,160
Texas $30,200
California $26,670

How do paving stone installer salaries compare to similar careers?

Paving stone installers earn about the same as related careers in Nevada. On average, they make less than forklift operators but more than professional painters.

Career Median Salary
Forklift operator salary $37K
Cabinetmaker salary $38K
Plasterer salary $34K
Printing worker salary $35K
Upholsterer salary $31K
Paving stone installer salary $35K
Stone cutter salary $33K
Molding and casting worker salary $33K
Furniture finisher salary $33K
Professional painter salary $29K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)