Shipmate earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Shipmate salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Louisiana $99,460
New York $98,680
Washington $95,390
Arkansas $90,720
Oklahoma $86,570
Alaska $81,910
Mississippi $81,510
Virginia $80,950
Illinois $80,240
West Virginia $79,510
Iowa $79,240
Kentucky $79,090
Alabama $77,630
Minnesota $77,030
Ohio $75,600
Delaware $75,450
Pennsylvania $73,640
Maine $66,390
Michigan $65,160
Rhode Island $64,160
Massachusetts $63,980
South Carolina $63,970
Connecticut $62,900
Hawaii $61,020
Florida $60,780
Georgia $59,400
Missouri $57,060
New Hampshire $52,390
Virgin Islands, U.S. $50,970
North Carolina $49,860
Wisconsin $49,470
Arizona $47,470
Tennessee $40,460
Puerto Rico $32,360
Indiana $104,530
New Jersey $104,020
Texas $103,340
Oregon $101,960
Maryland $101,450
Vermont $101,230
California $100,020

How do shipmate salaries compare to similar careers?

Shipmates earn about the same as related careers in Pennsylvania. On average, they make less than transportation planners but more than cargo and freight agents.

Career Median Salary
Transportation planner salary $77K
Aircraft mechanic salary $65K
Freight and cargo inspector salary $62K
Aviation inspector salary $62K
Avionics technician salary $63K
Ship captain salary $74K
Shipmate salary $74K
Locomotive engineer salary $63K
Traffic technician salary $52K
Cargo and freight agent salary $48K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)