There are currently an estimated 140,200 aircraft mechanics in the United States. The aircraft mechanic job market is expected to grow by 4.3% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are aircraft mechanics?

CareerExplorer rates aircraft mechanics with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 10,300 aircraft mechanics. That number is based on 6,000 additional aircraft mechanics, and the retirement of 4,300 existing aircraft mechanics.

Are aircraft mechanics in demand?

The job outlook for aircraft mechanics is projected to be generally stagnant, with most growth in the field resulting from the need to replace retirees. While a healthy economy stimulates air travel, demand for aircraft mechanics will be further limited due to the reduced maintenance requirements of new and modern aircraft. In addition, airlines may choose to outsource mechanical maintenance to specialized aviation services companies rather than hire their own mechanics. These factors will sustain competition and present the best opportunities to technologically up-to-date candidates who hold an Airframe and Power-plant (A&P) Certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Experienced job seekers who also possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Avionics, Aviation Technology, or Aviation Maintenance Management and/or specialist certifications, such as the Inspector’s Authorization (IA), may find opportunities as lead mechanics, supervisors, or FAA examiners or inspectors. Competition in this occupation will be strongest for positions with major airlines, due to typically higher wages and travel benefits. Most openings will be with small commuter and regional airlines, which make up the fastest growing segment of the air transportation industry. If the trend of fewer students entering technical schools continues, demand for trained aircraft mechanics may eventually surpass supply.

What’s the supply of aircraft mechanics?

The aircraft mechanic industry is concentrated in Texas, Florida, California

Aircraft Mechanic job market by state

State Name Employed Aircraft Mechanics
Texas 18,120
Florida 13,690
California 13,010
Georgia 8,380
Washington 5,120
Arizona 5,030
Illinois 4,590
Ohio 4,270
North Carolina 4,100
Michigan 3,130
New York 3,120
Pennsylvania 2,740
New Jersey 2,420
Maryland 2,220
Utah 2,150
Virginia 2,080
Kentucky 1,930
Nevada 1,840
Louisiana 1,780
Missouri 1,650
Colorado 1,650
Kansas 1,630
Connecticut 1,510
Indiana 1,490
Alaska 1,480
Minnesota 1,420
Hawaii 1,400
Massachusetts 1,390
Tennessee 1,380
Oregon 1,250
South Carolina 1,160
Mississippi 1,060
Wisconsin 690
Idaho 660
Puerto Rico 550
Montana 530
West Virginia 510
Delaware 490
Arkansas 450
New Mexico 390
Iowa 380
Nebraska 370
South Dakota 320
Wyoming 280
New Hampshire 260
Rhode Island 240
Vermont 180
Maine 180
North Dakota 140