There are currently an estimated 9,100 arbitrators in the United States. The arbitrator job market is expected to grow by 5.5% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are arbitrators?

CareerExplorer rates arbitrators with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 2,000 arbitrators. That number is based on 500 additional arbitrators, and the retirement of 1,500 existing arbitrators.

Are arbitrators in demand?

Because many arbitrators and mediators work for state or local government, budgetary constraints will limit demand, as will this occupation’s low turnover rate. However, as arbitration and other dispute resolution methods are generally faster and less expensive than trials, marginal growth will occur in the field. Furthermore, jobs may be created as an increasing number of jurisdictions implement mandatory dispute resolution programs to reduce litigation. Economic downturns, which typically increase the need for mortgage mediation, may result in added openings for job seekers. Although many arbitrator positions do not require university level education, overall weak employment opportunities suggest that job candidates with a law degree will significantly increase their prospects, as conflict resolution very often involves legal issues. In addition, those who obtain credentials from the American Arbitration Association by completing an approved program of education and apprenticeship are likely to further increase their marketability.

What’s the supply of arbitrators?

The arbitrator industry is concentrated in California, Texas, New York

Arbitrator job market by state

State Name Employed Arbitrators
California 900
Texas 470
New York 410
Illinois 380
Pennsylvania 290
Florida 230
Arizona 210
Georgia 200
Michigan 190
Wisconsin 160
Missouri 160
Washington 150
Ohio 130
Minnesota 110
Kentucky 100
Utah 100
New Jersey 100
South Carolina 90
District of Columbia 90
Puerto Rico 80
Colorado 80
Connecticut 80
Massachusetts 80
North Carolina 80
Tennessee 80
Kansas 60
Maryland 60
Alabama 50
Iowa 50
Indiana 50
Arkansas 40
Hawaii 40
Oregon 40
Oklahoma 30
Montana 30
Louisiana 30