There are currently an estimated 34,500 biochemists in the United States. The biochemist job market is expected to grow by 6.7% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are biochemists?

CareerExplorer rates biochemists with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 7,900 biochemists. That number is based on 2,300 additional biochemists, and the retirement of 5,600 existing biochemists.

Are biochemists in demand?

While the job market for biochemists is projected to experience relatively fast growth, the small size of the occupation will temper overall gains and result in limited demand in the field. More biochemists are expected to be needed to conduct research and develop improved products and processes; however, budgetary and funding constraints may impact the number of new hires. Biochemists involved in biomedical and genetic research and the development of tests that detect diseases will be most in demand, as aging baby-boomers seek lifesaving drugs and procedures. Increased environmental consciousness and demand for clean energy will lead to opportunities for biochemists focused on discovering alternative energy sources, such as biofuels. Growing populations and rising food prices will call for biochemists to advance the development of genetically engineered crops and livestock that produce higher yields with fewer resources. As the amount of biological data continues to expand and software and analytical techniques become more sophisticated, the emerging specialty of bioinformatics will require technologically savvy biochemists. In general, opportunities in the field will exist with government labs; biotechnology firms; chemical and petroleum industries; cosmetic manufacturers; pharmaceutical companies; and universities. Biochemists that direct research and development studies typically require a Doctorate Degree. To qualify for most entry-level and research assistant positions, candidates need a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree. Those who possess a broad understanding of molecular biology and its relationship to other disciplines should have the best prospects. Job seekers with laboratory experience and those who have graduated from university programs certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS) may further enhance their employability. Competition for all positions at all seniority levels is expected to be high, as the field remains small and largely dependent on research funding.

What’s the supply of biochemists?

The biochemist industry is concentrated in New Jersey, California, Massachusetts

Biochemist job market by state

State Name Employed Biochemists
New Jersey 5,150
California 4,480
Massachusetts 4,100
Texas 1,440
Pennsylvania 1,330
New York 1,260
Maryland 1,230
Minnesota 970
Illinois 910
Florida 580
Colorado 560
Virginia 540
Tennessee 520
North Carolina 370
Ohio 350
Wisconsin 330
Washington 330
Missouri 270
Connecticut 270
Indiana 260
Maine 210
Louisiana 200
Utah 170
Delaware 150
Oklahoma 120
Iowa 100
West Virginia 100
New Hampshire 80
Oregon 70
Nebraska 60
South Carolina 50
Arkansas 50
Kentucky 50