There are currently an estimated 13,900 curators in the United States. The curator job market is expected to grow by 10.8% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are curators?

CareerExplorer rates curators with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 7,100 curators. That number is based on 1,500 additional curators, and the retirement of 5,600 existing curators.

Are curators in demand?

Competition for curator positions will continue to be extremely competitive, as the field has a low turnover rate and there are generally more qualified applicants on the market than there are available jobs. Art and history museums are expected to remain the largest employers of curators. Reductions in federal funding, however, may affect expansion and construction of museums and thereby result in fewer openings. In the long term, though, continued public interest in cultural centres and museums will lead to demand for curators to manage their collections. Experience as a museum technician, assistant curator, or research associate is a common career track for curators. Sought-after qualifications for full-time roles include skills in collection management, exhibit design, or restoration; database management; and fundraising and promotion. Job candidates who are comfortable working with digital images and knowledgeable about copyright law further enhance their employability. Those with foreign language skills may have an added advantage. In general, gaining relevant work experience as a volunteer, intern, or part-time employee is essential for securing a permanent position. Curators who perform unique research and produce work that is published in academic journals will be best positioned for advancement with large institutions. Museum curators, for example, may become museum directors.

What’s the supply of curators?

The curator industry is concentrated in New York, California, Massachusetts

Curator job market by state

State Name Employed Curators
New York 1,410
California 910
Massachusetts 650
Texas 600
Pennsylvania 560
Florida 510
Ohio 420
North Carolina 410
Illinois 390
Michigan 340
Washington 320
Virginia 310
Colorado 260
Wisconsin 240
Arizona 230
Georgia 230
Minnesota 210
Louisiana 200
Missouri 200
Indiana 170
Maryland 160
Kentucky 160
District of Columbia 160
Connecticut 160
Oklahoma 160
Tennessee 160
Iowa 140
Oregon 140
Wyoming 120
New Mexico 110
Kansas 110
New Jersey 110
South Carolina 110
Nevada 100
New Hampshire 90
Nebraska 90
Utah 90
Alabama 90
Maine 80
Montana 80
Alaska 70
South Dakota 70
Delaware 60
Idaho 50
Arkansas 50
Vermont 40
Mississippi 40
Hawaii 40
West Virginia 40
North Dakota 30