Diagnostic medical sonographer earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Diagnostic medical sonographer salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Hawaii $99,410
Washington $98,470
Alaska $98,140
Oregon $98,030
Rhode Island $95,360
Massachusetts $95,220
Wisconsin $94,690
Colorado $91,760
Connecticut $82,880
New Hampshire $80,640
Arizona $80,330
Illinois $79,810
Maryland $79,810
Minnesota $79,810
New Jersey $79,810
New York $79,810
Vermont $79,360
Montana $78,670
Utah $78,670
Wyoming $78,670
Nevada $78,610
Idaho $78,480
New Mexico $78,340
Maine $77,630
Delaware $77,450
Virginia $77,450
Kansas $77,280
Texas $77,030
Oklahoma $76,730
Nebraska $76,710
Iowa $76,590
Florida $75,040
Georgia $75,040
Missouri $75,040
Kentucky $75,000
North Carolina $75,000
Ohio $75,000
South Carolina $74,930
North Dakota $74,870
Indiana $74,340
Pennsylvania $73,850
Tennessee $65,840
Michigan $62,620
West Virginia $62,160
Arkansas $61,840
Louisiana $61,790
South Dakota $61,790
Mississippi $61,530
Alabama $60,550
Puerto Rico $28,600
District of Columbia $101,650
California $101,230

How do diagnostic medical sonographer salaries compare to similar careers?

Diagnostic medical sonographers earn 13% less than similar careers in Delaware. On average, they make less than anesthesiologist assistants but more than MRI technologists.

Career Median Salary
Anesthesiologist assistant salary $121K
Nurse practitioner salary $121K
Optometrist salary $105K
Nuclear medicine technologist salary $94K
Orthotist salary $77K
Diagnostic medical sonographer salary $77K
Clinical nurse specialist salary $75K
Acute care nurse practitioner salary $75K
Registered nurse salary $75K
MRI technologist salary $77K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)