There are currently an estimated 132,000 event planners in the United States. The event planner job market is expected to grow by 7.5% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are event planners?

CareerExplorer rates event planners with a B- employability rating, meaning this career should provide good employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 16,200 event planners. That number is based on 9,900 additional event planners, and the retirement of 6,300 existing event planners.

Are event planners in demand?

As globalization increases and businesses and associations continue to recognize the value of professionally planned meetings, conventions, and events, the demand for event planners is expected to grow. Despite the proliferation of electronic forms of communication, face-to-face interaction remains a vital tool of professional networking and cooperation. In fact, these alternative communication methods have connected individuals and groups that previously would not have collaborated. This has led to greater demand for these parties to interact in person and further fuel the need for planners of their meetings. Although the job outlook for this occupation is relatively positive, it is important to note that opportunities in the field fluctuate with economic activity. Downturns generally signify corporate budget cuts and a reduction in meetings necessitating travel, accommodation, and other related expenses. Some industries, such as healthcare, however, are less susceptible to these fluctuations. In the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, attendance at continuing education meetings is often required for employees to maintain their license. These sectors are also in a high-growth trend and projected to increase their meeting and convention activity. One particularly beneficial aspect of event planning experience is its transferability. Professionals in the field can almost seamlessly move to different industries in response to growth or declines in particular sectors of the economy. Those who have gained cross-industry experience by working with event planning companies that service clients from a variety of businesses should encounter superior prospects. Job seekers with a Bachelor’s Degree in hospitality, tourism, or event management and who have earned a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) designation will further enhance their employability. The Society of Government Meeting Professionals (SGMP) offers the Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP) designation for planners who work for or contract with federal, state, or local government. While neither the CMP nor the CGMP certification is mandatory, both designations are looked upon very favourably in an occupation which attracts many applicants. Entry-level planners tend to focus on meeting logistics, such as attendee registration. Experienced planners are charged with client relations and contract negotiations. Advancement for planners generally means that they become responsible for larger and more complex events with larger budgets. They may also become independent consultants.

What’s the supply of event planners?

The event planner industry is concentrated in California, New York, Texas

Event Planner job market by state

State Name Employed Event Planners
California 13,910
New York 10,010
Texas 7,010
Florida 6,580
Illinois 4,160
Virginia 4,080
Colorado 3,350
Pennsylvania 3,210
Washington 3,060
New Jersey 3,050
Massachusetts 2,920
Maryland 2,830
North Carolina 2,790
Georgia 2,690
District of Columbia 2,630
Michigan 2,510
Ohio 2,330
Missouri 2,110
Minnesota 2,070
Tennessee 1,850
Arizona 1,770
Wisconsin 1,580
Oregon 1,350
South Carolina 1,280
Indiana 1,180
Nevada 1,110
Oklahoma 930
Utah 910
Iowa 830
Hawaii 750
Kansas 740
Kentucky 670
Connecticut 670
Arkansas 570
Puerto Rico 480
Nebraska 440
New Hampshire 420
Alabama 400
New Mexico 390
Louisiana 390
Idaho 360
Montana 340
Rhode Island 330
Mississippi 300
South Dakota 260
Maine 240
Delaware 220
Vermont 220
Wyoming 210
West Virginia 170
North Dakota 160
Alaska 80
Guam 50