Greenhouse technician earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level greenhouse technician earnings begin at:

$28.73 per hour

$59,760 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level greenhouse technician earnings begin at:

$23.42 per hour

$48,710 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level greenhouse technician earnings begin at:

$18.53 per hour

$38,550 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level greenhouse technician earnings begin at:

$15.13 per hour

$31,460 per year

10th percentile

Starting level greenhouse technician earnings begin at:

$12.45 per hour

$25,900 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Greenhouse technician salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Jersey $54,120
Massachusetts $53,200
New York $48,400
North Dakota $47,030
Iowa $46,750
West Virginia $44,890
Vermont $44,520
Colorado $43,910
Hawaii $43,310
California $42,840
Texas $42,740
Indiana $41,180
Montana $41,130
Oregon $40,980
Minnesota $40,970
Kentucky $40,680
New Mexico $40,630
Georgia $40,490
Kansas $39,990
Ohio $39,560
Pennsylvania $39,170
Missouri $38,770
Arkansas $38,550
Florida $38,530
Idaho $38,510
Illinois $38,510
Maryland $38,150
Tennessee $38,010
Washington $37,880
Nebraska $37,300
North Carolina $37,280
Wisconsin $37,210
Alabama $37,120
Virginia $37,030
Maine $35,620
Louisiana $35,490
Arizona $35,370
Mississippi $34,990
Michigan $34,780
Utah $34,460
Virgin Islands, U.S. $31,290
Oklahoma $30,500
South Dakota $29,660
Connecticut $26,020

How do greenhouse technician salaries compare to similar careers?

Greenhouse technicians earn 9% less than similar careers in Arkansas. On average, they make less than soil and plant scientists but more than grounds maintenance workers.

Career Median Salary
Soil and plant scientist salary $78K
Park naturalist salary $71K
Landscape architect salary $59K
Landscaper salary $40K
Greenhouse technician salary $39K
Arborist salary $31K
Lawn care specialist salary $29K
Irrigation technician salary $25K
Grounds maintenance worker salary $25K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)