There are currently an estimated 44,700 journalists in the United States. The journalist job market is expected to shrink by -10.1% between 2016 and 2026.

How employable are journalists?

CareerExplorer rates journalists with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 2,100 journalists. That number is based on the retirement of 6,600 existing journalists.

Are journalists in demand?

Job growth for journalists is projected to be negligible through 2024. Consolidation and mergers in the publishing and broadcasting sectors, and subsequent decreases in advertising revenue, are expected to result in more efficient allocation of correspondents and news analysts to cover stories. Improving technology will continue to allow working journalists to be more efficient and to take on more assignments. Both of these factors will limit the number of new hires. Competition for journalism jobs is generally intense and this trend will persist, particularly in traditional media like large newspapers; national and international magazines; and television networks. Aspiring journalists with new media skills and specialized knowledge in science, technology, economics, or politics are likely to more easily find employment. Such opportunities will be more plentiful for freelancers, in smaller markets, and in the production of digital content for the Web. Graduates in the field may also be hired by advertising and public relations firms, which often have a need for the communications skills and media savvy they offer. Economic upswings and downturns will always impact this occupation because its demand and growth are so closely tied to advertising revenues.

What’s the supply of journalists?

The journalist industry is concentrated in New York, California, Florida

Journalist job market by state

State Name Employed Journalists
New York 4,240
California 3,570
Florida 2,060
Texas 2,010
District of Columbia 1,960
Illinois 1,470
Ohio 1,370
Pennsylvania 1,300
Michigan 1,290
Massachusetts 1,080
North Carolina 1,080
Indiana 920
Georgia 900
Wisconsin 870
Minnesota 810
New Jersey 790
Kentucky 780
Virginia 780
Washington 730
Colorado 660
Iowa 640
Arizona 610
Tennessee 570
Oregon 560
South Carolina 500
Maryland 490
Missouri 490
Oklahoma 480
Nebraska 480
Alabama 470
Louisiana 460
Kansas 350
Nevada 320
Arkansas 310
Mississippi 290
Connecticut 290
West Virginia 260
Puerto Rico 240
Idaho 240
Montana 240
South Dakota 240
North Dakota 220
New Mexico 200
Utah 200
Maine 190
New Hampshire 190
Wyoming 180
Delaware 150
Vermont 140
Hawaii 90
Alaska 90