There are currently an estimated 29,600 judges in the United States. The judge job market is expected to grow by 2.0% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are judges?

CareerExplorer rates judges with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 2,100 judges. That number is based on 600 additional judges, and the retirement of 1,500 existing judges.

Are judges in demand?

State and federal budget cuts are projected to inhibit demand and job growth for judges. This will sustain a high level of competition in the field. The low turnover rate for this career, partly due to its status and prestige, will further limit employment opportunities. In addition, disputing parties are increasingly settling their conflicts through out-of-court mediation; this trend exerts another negative impact on the occupation of judge. The migration of immigrants to the United States and Canada; the reform of guardianship policies and practices; and the growing problem of elder abuse are, however, expected to create some demand. The majority of openings will result from the need to replace retirees or judges who transition into teaching roles. The private sector may present a limited number of opportunities for judges to work with law firms or conflict resolution services. Judges with the required qualifications advance in the field by moving into courts that extend their jurisdictions and powers.

What’s the supply of judges?

The judge industry is concentrated in New York, Texas, Ohio

Judge job market by state

State Name Employed Judges
New York 3,200
Texas 2,890
Ohio 2,420
Georgia 1,420
Florida 1,230
New Jersey 1,020
Oklahoma 980
Washington 920
Indiana 770
Arizona 740
South Carolina 660
Michigan 620
Colorado 610
Maryland 580
Missouri 570
Kansas 520
Alabama 500
Minnesota 500
Puerto Rico 460
Tennessee 390
Oregon 370
New Mexico 320
Mississippi 320
Arkansas 300
Kentucky 300
West Virginia 300
Pennsylvania 250
Connecticut 240
Nevada 220
Idaho 210
Louisiana 160
Wisconsin 150
Utah 130
Hawaii 120
Delaware 120
Rhode Island 110
North Dakota 100
Maine 90
Montana 80
South Dakota 40