Mine shuttle car operator earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Mine shuttle car operator salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Wyoming $93,430
Pennsylvania $62,170
Alabama $59,380
Colorado $58,650
Illinois $57,960
West Virginia $57,530
Utah $55,160
Indiana $49,830
Kentucky $46,610

How do mine shuttle car operator salaries compare to similar careers?

Mine shuttle car operators earn 7% less than similar careers in Colorado. On average, they make less than occupational health specialists but more than tool and die makers.

Career Median Salary
Occupational health specialist salary $76K
Industrial designer salary $70K
Power plant operator salary $71K
Non-Destructive testing specialist salary $68K
Boilermaker salary $65K
Mine shuttle car operator salary $59K
Industrial machinery mechanic salary $56K
Quality control inspector salary $49K
Drafter salary $52K
Tool and die maker salary $50K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)