There are currently an estimated 13,900 mining machine operators in the United States. The mining machine operator job market is expected to shrink by -2.9% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are mining machine operators?

CareerExplorer rates mining machine operators with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 6,200 mining machine operators. That number is based on the retirement of 6,600 existing mining machine operators.

Are mining machine operators in demand?

Employment of mining machine operators is in decline. This is due mainly to the decrease in coal mining which has typically employed a large number of these workers. Further negative pressure on the occupation is resulting from advancing technology and the use of robots and lasers in the industry. These factors are lessening the demand for machine operators and prompting many in the field to consider transferring to related roles as geological/petroleum technicians, manufacturing supervisors, and industrial engineering technicians. The transition to such positions, however, requires further education and training.

What’s the supply of mining machine operators?

The mining machine operator industry is concentrated in Nevada, Kentucky, Ohio

Mining Machine Operator job market by state

State Name Employed Mining Machine Operators
Nevada 1,780
Kentucky 870
Ohio 790
West Virginia 710
California 670
Idaho 510
Pennsylvania 440
Illinois 350
Georgia 350
Colorado 350
Wyoming 330
Texas 300
Indiana 280
Arkansas 190
Missouri 170
New York 150
Michigan 140
North Carolina 130
Tennessee 120
Florida 100
Wisconsin 90
Washington 80
South Carolina 70
Oklahoma 70
Maryland 60
Montana 60
South Dakota 30