Mining machine operator earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level mining machine operator earnings begin at:

$45.81 per hour

$95,282 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level mining machine operator earnings begin at:

$37.44 per hour

$77,875 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level mining machine operator earnings begin at:

$29.92 per hour

$62,239 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level mining machine operator earnings begin at:

$23.91 per hour

$49,742 per year

10th percentile

Starting level mining machine operator earnings begin at:

$19.55 per hour

$40,655 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Mining machine operator salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Minnesota $79,920
Wyoming $79,790
New Mexico $78,940
Alaska $70,550
Montana $68,580
Nevada $61,520
Colorado $61,360
California $61,030
West Virginia $60,850
Ohio $60,510
North Carolina $59,380
Idaho $59,350
Wisconsin $59,340
Illinois $48,940
Iowa $48,450
Indiana $48,200
Alabama $47,990
Virginia $47,940
Missouri $47,920
Georgia $47,840
Pennsylvania $47,530
Michigan $47,080
Arizona $46,640
Washington $46,620
South Carolina $46,440
New York $46,110
Texas $45,080
Oklahoma $44,940
Kentucky $43,820
Louisiana $39,830
South Dakota $38,630
Tennessee $37,880
Florida $37,640
Mississippi $37,500
Maryland $36,020
Arkansas $35,510

How do mining machine operator salaries compare to similar careers?

Mining machine operators earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than petroleum pump system operators but more than water treatment plant operators.

Career Median Salary
Petroleum pump system operator salary $64K
Derrick operator salary $65K
Pipefitter salary $63K
Rotary drill operator salary $63K
Plasterer salary $64K
Mining machine operator salary $62K
Hydroelectric plant technician salary $60K
Faller salary $53K
Commercial diver salary $57K
Water treatment plant operator salary $56K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)