Orthodontist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Orthodontist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Utah $99,510
Louisiana $98,620
Nevada $98,490
Kentucky $88,770
Massachusetts $344,120
Maryland $336,720
Virginia $324,660
Maine $304,560
North Carolina $296,460
New Jersey $292,260
South Carolina $279,610
Alabama $274,240
Pennsylvania $268,940
Tennessee $268,570
Missouri $265,420
Washington $264,120
Oklahoma $261,650
Arkansas $259,010
Iowa $257,670
New York $250,890
Minnesota $250,490
Georgia $246,880
Colorado $230,400
Michigan $217,730
Wisconsin $201,010
Connecticut $197,440
Montana $188,120
California $187,510
Idaho $184,760
Florida $180,720
Ohio $164,830
Texas $158,810
New Mexico $157,590
Illinois $154,590
Indiana $103,180

How do orthodontist salaries compare to similar careers?

Orthodontists earn 12% more than similar careers in South Carolina. On average, they make more than psychiatrists.

Career Median Salary
Orthodontist salary $280K
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon salary $257K
Anesthesiologist salary $254K
Family practitioner salary $236K
Psychiatrist salary $204K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)