Projectionist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Projectionist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
California $55,760
Hawaii $37,580
Washington $37,430
New York $37,180
Arizona $36,940
Florida $35,980
Illinois $30,740
Tennessee $29,220
Michigan $29,110
Massachusetts $28,590
Maine $26,930
Missouri $26,010
Colorado $25,790
Montana $25,160
Oregon $24,910
Maryland $24,820
Virginia $24,430
Georgia $24,190
New Jersey $24,150
Mississippi $24,050
Ohio $23,570
Texas $23,220
Idaho $23,000
Wisconsin $22,910
Connecticut $22,550
Nebraska $22,340
Kentucky $21,530
Utah $21,150
Kansas $20,050
North Carolina $19,850
Louisiana $19,820
Arkansas $19,750
Pennsylvania $19,410
Alabama $18,960
Oklahoma $18,830
Iowa $18,800
Puerto Rico $18,690

How do projectionist salaries compare to similar careers?

Projectionists earn about the same as related careers in Maine. On average, they make less than filmmakers but more than craft artists.

Career Median Salary
Filmmaker salary $38K
Precious metal worker salary $32K
Film and video editor salary $34K
Museum conservator salary $35K
Announcer salary $31K
Projectionist salary $27K
Camera operator salary $28K
Glass blower salary $29K
Craft artist salary $28K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)