Is becoming a security guard right for me?

The first step to choosing a career is to make sure you are actually willing to commit to pursuing the career. You don’t want to waste your time doing something you don’t want to do. If you’re new here, you should read about:

What do security guards do?
Career Satisfaction
Are security guards happy with their careers?
What are security guards like?

Still unsure if becoming a security guard is the right career path? to find out if this career is right for you. Perhaps you are well-suited to become a security guard or another similar career!

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How to become a Security Guard

Becoming a security guard involves several steps to ensure you meet the necessary requirements and receive proper training for the role. Here's a general overview of the process:

  • Check State Requirements: Security guard licensing and training requirements vary by state. Research the specific requirements in the state where you intend to work. Some states have specific regulations, training programs, and licensing procedures.
  • Meet Basic Eligibility: Generally, you must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be a legal US resident or citizen to work as a security guard.
  • Choose a Sector: Decide on the type of security guard role you're interested in, as different sectors (retail, corporate, event, etc.) may have varying training and skill requirements.
  • Complete Training: Most states require security guards to complete training programs approved by the state's regulatory agency. The training covers topics such as legal responsibilities, emergency procedures, communication skills, ethics, and conflict resolution. Training can range from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the state and the type of security guard role.
  • Apply for a License: After completing the required training, you'll need to apply for a security guard license with the appropriate state agency. This often involves submitting an application, providing proof of training completion, and undergoing a background check. Some states may also require fingerprinting.
  • Pass Examinations: In some states, you may need to pass an examination as part of the licensing process. The exam typically assesses your understanding of the training material and your ability to apply it to real-life scenarios.
  • Obtain Additional Certifications: Depending on your specialization or the industry you work in, you might need additional certifications. For example, armed security guards usually need to complete specific firearm training and obtain relevant permits.
  • Apply for Jobs: With your license and any necessary certifications in hand, you can start applying for security guard positions. Consider reaching out to security companies, businesses, event organizers, or organizations that match your chosen sector.
  • Undergo On-the-Job Training: Once hired, you might receive on-the-job training specific to the company's policies, procedures, and the environment you'll be working in. This training can help you become familiar with the location, the security systems in place, and your specific duties.
  • Continuing Education: Many states require security guards to undergo periodic training and renew their licenses. Stay up-to-date with any ongoing training requirements to ensure you maintain your eligibility to work as a security guard.
  • Develop Soft Skills: Effective communication, conflict resolution, and observation skills are vital for security guards. Work on developing these soft skills to excel in your role.

Certifications for security guards can vary based on the type of security role, the industry, and the state you're working in. Here are some common certifications that security guards may pursue to enhance their skills and qualifications:

  • Basic Security Guard Certification: This certification covers fundamental topics related to security, including legal and ethical responsibilities, emergency procedures, communication skills, and conflict resolution. It's often a requirement for obtaining a security guard license in many states.
  • Armed Security Guard Certification: For those who wish to work as armed security guards, specialized training and certification are necessary. This certification typically involves firearm safety, marksmanship, and legal considerations for carrying and using firearms on the job.
  • CPR and First Aid Certification: Many employers and states require security guards to hold a current CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and first aid certification. This training prepares guards to respond effectively in medical emergencies.
  • Crowd Control Certification: If you're interested in event security or working in settings with large gatherings, a crowd control certification can teach you techniques to manage crowds, maintain order, and ensure the safety of attendees.
  • Loss Prevention Certification: For security guards working in retail settings, loss prevention certification can be valuable. This training focuses on preventing theft, shoplifting, and fraud.
  • Executive Protection Certification: Security guards interested in executive protection or bodyguard roles may pursue specialized training in this field. Certification programs cover advanced security tactics, risk assessment, and providing personal protection to high-profile individuals.
  • Transportation Security Certification: Security guards working in transportation settings (airports, bus terminals, etc.) may need specific training in aviation security, passenger screening procedures, and handling security threats related to transportation.
  • Firearms Training and Certification: If you're working in an armed security role, you'll likely need to undergo specialized firearms training and obtain the necessary permits to carry and use firearms on the job.
  • State-Specific Certifications: Depending on the state you're working in, there may be additional certifications or training requirements unique to that jurisdiction. Always check with your state's regulatory agency to ensure you meet all necessary requirements.