There are currently an estimated 125,500 underwriters in the United States. The underwriter job market is expected to shrink by -2.5% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are underwriters?

CareerExplorer rates underwriters with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 800 underwriters. That number is based on the retirement of 3,900 existing underwriters.

Are underwriters in demand?

Underwriters comprise a segment of the insurance industry that is expected to decline significantly over the next decade. The principal reason for this negative projection in demand is the effect of technology on the occupation. Automated underwriting quickly rates and analyzes insurance applications. The software is increasing in sophistication and allowing workers to take on three times as much work as in the past, resulting in greater efficiency and reducing the need for manpower. While automation is negatively impacting the number of available jobs for underwriters, it is also redefining the position and ultimately increasing the importance of those practitioners selected by employers. The underwriters that will be most sought after will require exemplary skills in evaluating automated recommendations and verifying information, particularly in complex or specific fields, such as marine insurance. A background in accounting or finance and strong computer and analytical skills will also be highly regarded. This will be especially true in new and emerging fields of insurance, which are projected to be the source of most new jobs for underwriters. In the areas of product development and long-term health care insurance, for example, underwriters will be called upon to assess risks and set appropriate premiums. Virtually all opportunities for job seekers will be created by the need to replace retirees or workers who transfer to another occupation. The career’s high turnover rate is a direct result of the limited upward mobility and advancement opportunities it presents.

What’s the supply of underwriters?

The underwriter industry is concentrated in New York, California, Illinois

Underwriter job market by state

State Name Employed Underwriters
New York 7,930
California 7,340
Illinois 5,920
Georgia 5,500
Texas 5,310
Ohio 4,840
Florida 4,600
Pennsylvania 4,570
New Jersey 3,230
Massachusetts 3,190
Connecticut 2,790
Virginia 2,350
North Carolina 2,140
Missouri 2,060
Michigan 2,060
Wisconsin 2,050
Washington 1,950
Iowa 1,810
Arizona 1,680
Minnesota 1,580
Nebraska 1,540
Maryland 1,500
Colorado 1,360
Kansas 1,280
Louisiana 1,070
Alabama 1,060
Tennessee 930
Indiana 920
Puerto Rico 900
Oregon 790
South Carolina 690
Oklahoma 680
Utah 540
Kentucky 500
Rhode Island 440
Maine 370
Hawaii 360
South Dakota 320
Mississippi 300
North Dakota 290
Arkansas 270
Nevada 250
New Hampshire 220
Vermont 220
Delaware 200
New Mexico 180
Alaska 170
West Virginia 170
Idaho 160
Montana 140
Guam 70
District of Columbia 30