Wind turbine technician earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Wind turbine technician salary by state

State Name Average Salary
West Virginia $77,840
Colorado $72,480
Illinois $63,640
New Mexico $63,170
Minnesota $62,890
Washington $62,860
California $62,390
New York $61,370
Iowa $60,460
Oregon $60,190
Wisconsin $59,420
North Carolina $59,190
Texas $51,560
Florida $50,170
Idaho $49,650
Nebraska $49,640
Indiana $49,620
Kansas $48,670
South Dakota $47,590
Oklahoma $47,510
North Dakota $46,910
Wyoming $46,170
Arkansas $46,120
Pennsylvania $112,390

How do wind turbine technician salaries compare to similar careers?

Wind turbine technicians earn about the same as related careers in North Dakota. On average, they make less than industrial machinery mechanics but more than recreational vehicle service technicians.

Career Median Salary
Industrial machinery mechanic salary $61K
Aircraft mechanic salary $63K
Millwright salary $60K
Farm equipment mechanic salary $60K
Auto body repairer salary $50K
Wind turbine technician salary $47K
Auto mechanic salary $47K
Motorcycle mechanic salary $47K
Geothermal technician salary $46K
Recreational vehicle service technician salary $46K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)