Wind turbine technician earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level wind turbine technician earnings begin at:

$46.06 per hour

$95,800 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level wind turbine technician earnings begin at:

$37.93 per hour

$78,900 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level wind turbine technician earnings begin at:

$28.94 per hour

$60,190 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level wind turbine technician earnings begin at:

$18.48 per hour

$38,450 per year

10th percentile

Starting level wind turbine technician earnings begin at:

$17.67 per hour

$36,750 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Wind turbine technician salary by state

State Name Average Salary
West Virginia $77,840
Colorado $72,480
Illinois $63,640
New Mexico $63,170
Minnesota $62,890
Washington $62,860
California $62,390
New York $61,370
Iowa $60,460
Oregon $60,190
Wisconsin $59,420
North Carolina $59,190
Texas $51,560
Florida $50,170
Idaho $49,650
Nebraska $49,640
Indiana $49,620
Kansas $48,670
South Dakota $47,590
Oklahoma $47,510
North Dakota $46,910
Wyoming $46,170
Arkansas $46,120
Pennsylvania $112,390

How do wind turbine technician salaries compare to similar careers?

Wind turbine technicians earn 9% less than similar careers in Oregon. On average, they make less than power plant operators but more than hydroelectric plant technicians.

Career Median Salary
Power plant operator salary $97K
Aviation inspector salary $77K
Avionics technician salary $78K
Aircraft mechanic salary $63K
Wind turbine technician salary $60K
Radio mechanic salary $51K
Millwright salary $60K
Industrial machinery mechanic salary $60K
Hydroelectric plant technician salary $60K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)