Is becoming an a&r coordinator right for me?

The first step to choosing a career is to make sure you are actually willing to commit to pursuing the career. You don’t want to waste your time doing something you don’t want to do. If you’re new here, you should read about:

What do a&r coordinators do?
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What are a&r coordinators like?

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How to become an A&R Coordinator

Becoming an A&R coordinator involves a combination of education, practical experience, networking, and a deep understanding of the music industry. Here are steps you can take to pursue a career as an A&R coordinator:

  • Educational Background: Obtain a relevant education in music business, music industry management, or a related field. Many A&R coordinators hold bachelor's degrees.
  • Gain Practical Experience: Seek internships or entry-level positions within the music industry, particularly in A&R departments, record labels, or music companies. Practical experience will provide valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of artist development.
  • Networking: Attend industry events, concerts, and music conferences to build a network of contacts within the music business. Networking is essential for learning about job opportunities, staying informed about industry developments, and connecting with professionals in the field.
  • Develop Administrative Skills: Hone your administrative and organizational skills. A&R coordinators are responsible for managing schedules, coordinating logistics, and maintaining detailed records. Proficiency in office software and communication tools is vital.
  • Show Initiative: Demonstrate your passion for music and commitment to the industry by actively participating in music-related activities, attending local shows, and engaging with artists. This initiative can set you apart and showcase your genuine interest in artist development.
  • Understand Legal Aspects: Familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of the music industry, including contracts, copyright laws, and licensing. While A&R coordinators may not be directly involved in legal negotiations, understanding these aspects is beneficial.
  • Build a Professional Online Presence: Create a professional online presence, including a LinkedIn profile and a portfolio of your experiences and skills. Showcase any relevant coursework, internships, or projects related to the music industry.
  • Apply for Entry-Level Positions: Look for entry-level positions within A&R departments or music companies. These positions may include roles such as administrative assistants, executive assistants, or junior coordinators. During interviews, convey your enthusiasm for music and your dedication to contributing to the success of artists. Emphasize your ability to handle administrative tasks efficiently and collaborate within a team.

Helpful Resources
A&R coordinators can benefit from a variety of resources that enhance their industry knowledge, offer networking opportunities, and provide insights into the dynamic landscape of artist development. Here are some helpful resources for A&R coordinators:

  • Music Business Association (Music Biz): Music Biz offers valuable resources, industry insights, and networking opportunities for professionals in the music business, including A&R coordinators.
  • Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA): The RIAA represents the recording industry in the United States, providing information on certifications, industry statistics, and trends relevant to A&R.
  • Billboard: Billboard is a leading source for music industry news, charts, and analysis. A&R coordinators can stay informed about industry trends, artist developments, and market insights.
  • Sound On Sound - Music Business Articles: Sound On Sound's music business section provides articles and features on various aspects of the music industry, offering practical insights for A&R professionals.
  • ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers): ASCAP is a performing rights organization that offers resources for music creators and industry professionals. A&R coordinators can find information on songwriters, composers, and licensing.
  • SESAC: SESAC is another performing rights organization providing services for songwriters and publishers. Their website offers insights into licensing and industry news.
  • Music Business Worldwide: Music Business Worldwide covers global music industry news and analysis, providing insights into industry trends, business strategies, and artist developments.
  • CMU: Complete Music Update - A&R Knowledge Hub: CMU offers articles, reports, and resources focused on the A&R sector of the music industry, covering topics relevant to A&R coordinators.
  • A&R Worldwide: A&R Worldwide is a global music industry networking and information platform connecting professionals and providing insights into global music markets.
  • Hypebot: Hypebot covers a range of topics related to the music industry, including marketing, technology, and industry trends, offering insights for A&R professionals.
  • LinkedIn Groups: Join relevant LinkedIn groups, such as "Music Industry Professionals," to connect with peers, share insights, and stay updated on industry discussions.