There are currently an estimated 10,100 industrial organizational psychologists in the United States. The industrial organizational psychologist job market is expected to grow by 5.0% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are industrial organizational psychologists?

CareerExplorer rates industrial organizational psychologists with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 3,800 industrial organizational psychologists. That number is based on 500 additional industrial organizational psychologists, and the retirement of 3,300 existing industrial organizational psychologists.

Are industrial organizational psychologists in demand?

Although the job market for industrial organizational psychologists is predicted to grow by almost twenty percent by 2024, the occupation’s small size will result in only about eight hundred new positions in the United States. A large number of qualified applicants will intensify competition. Job candidates with knowledge of quantitative research methods and computer science will have the best prospects. Those without a Doctorate degree may be hired as assistants to psychologists or find employment in other sectors, such as business administration, education, or sales. Despite the current limited job market in the field, organizations are continually looking for new ways to enhance productivity and efficiency; raise employee retention rates; and implement anti-discrimination, diversity, and training programs. In addition, businesses are quickly realizing the competitive advantages that can be gained by managing their talent using practices that have a basis in evidence and science. Over the coming decades, these two trends will likely lead to greater and more consistent demand for industrial organizational psychologists.

What’s the supply of industrial organizational psychologists?

Industrial Organizational Psychologist job market by state

State Name Employed Industrial Organizational Psychologists
Virginia 240
Massachusetts 120
Missouri 40
New Jersey 40