Life coach earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level life coach earnings begin at:

$80.41 per hour

$167,248 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level life coach earnings begin at:

$38.90 per hour

$80,917 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level life coach earnings begin at:

$22.43 per hour

$46,650 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level life coach earnings begin at:

$16.15 per hour

$33,602 per year

10th percentile

Starting level life coach earnings begin at:

$14.07 per hour

$29,256 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Life coach salary by state

State Name Average Salary
California $53,000

How do life coach salaries compare to similar careers?

Life coaches earn 36% more than similar careers in the United States.

Career Median Salary
Psychologist salary $56K
Counseling psychologist salary $77K
Clinical psychologist salary $77K
Genetic counselor salary $80K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)