Multimedia animator earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Multimedia animator salary by state

State Name Average Salary
District of Columbia $99,240
New York $99,230
California $98,680
North Dakota $83,150
New Jersey $82,470
Washington $82,180
Nevada $82,020
Oregon $80,550
Arkansas $79,120
Maryland $78,510
Colorado $77,450
New Hampshire $69,950
Idaho $68,580
Massachusetts $67,570
Illinois $64,440
North Carolina $64,430
Michigan $64,420
Missouri $63,650
Virginia $63,530
Georgia $63,280
Kansas $62,740
Minnesota $62,450
Pennsylvania $62,340
Florida $62,260
Hawaii $62,080
Alabama $62,070
Iowa $60,820
Wisconsin $60,820
Utah $57,720
Maine $54,660
Oklahoma $53,520
Ohio $53,480
Kentucky $50,540
Louisiana $50,270
Texas $49,660
Nebraska $49,600
Tennessee $49,430
Arizona $48,710
New Mexico $47,950
Indiana $47,470
Montana $44,980
South Dakota $41,050
South Carolina $38,800
Connecticut $105,170

How do multimedia animator salaries compare to similar careers?

Multimedia animators earn about the same as related careers in North Dakota. On average, they make less than systems analysts but more than game artists.

Career Median Salary
Systems analyst salary $73K
Informatics nurse specialist salary $73K
News anchor salary $67K
Statistician salary $66K
Online merchant salary $66K
Multimedia animator salary $83K
Distance learning coordinator salary $72K
Database administrator salary $67K
Systems administrator salary $66K
Game artist salary $69K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)