Sociologist earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level sociologist earnings begin at:

$70.15 per hour

$145,912 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level sociologist earnings begin at:

$54.60 per hour

$113,568 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level sociologist earnings begin at:

$41.33 per hour

$85,967 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level sociologist earnings begin at:

$31.29 per hour

$65,074 per year

10th percentile

Starting level sociologist earnings begin at:

$24.35 per hour

$50,649 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Sociologist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Oregon $93,490
New York $84,770
Maryland $82,710
Massachusetts $82,220
Ohio $82,220
New Jersey $76,170
Wisconsin $75,860
Washington $75,670
Florida $75,000
Utah $71,400
Minnesota $64,670
Michigan $61,780
Arizona $61,570
Indiana $56,880
South Dakota $38,390
Texas $37,130
Pennsylvania $121,470
Illinois $105,630
California $104,590
North Carolina $100,530

How do sociologist salaries compare to similar careers?

Sociologists earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than geographers but more than mathematicians.

Career Median Salary
Geographer salary $104K
Geneticist salary $96K
Materials scientist salary $91K
Industrial ecologist salary $90K
Bioinformatics scientist salary $85K
Sociologist salary $86K
Geologist salary $84K
Biochemist salary $84K
Hydrologist salary $79K
Mathematician salary $75K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)