Transit police officer earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Transit police officer salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Jersey $82,080
Washington $81,380
Virginia $80,300
Illinois $76,880
Nevada $73,580
Indiana $66,040
California $64,930
Florida $64,820
Tennessee $63,240
Maryland $62,090
Texas $61,970
Ohio $60,600
Georgia $60,040
New York $51,130
Pennsylvania $45,510
Michigan $44,320
Wyoming $41,790
Louisiana $40,790

How do transit police officer salaries compare to similar careers?

Transit police officers earn about the same as related careers in Nevada. On average, they make less than detectives but more than traffic technicians.

Career Median Salary
Detective salary $81K
Aircraft mechanic salary $78K
Hearing officer salary $72K
Transportation planner salary $79K
Logistician salary $69K
Transit police officer salary $74K
Customs broker salary $64K
Sheriff salary $68K
Police officer salary $68K
Traffic technician salary $68K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)