Commercial diver earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Commercial diver salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Jersey $90,400
Alabama $69,680
Alaska $69,050
Louisiana $59,810
Connecticut $58,540
Indiana $56,820
Michigan $53,970
New Hampshire $52,380
New York $49,900
South Carolina $48,560
Virginia $48,430
West Virginia $47,940
Florida $47,170
Vermont $47,150
Maryland $46,570
Texas $45,380
Kentucky $45,100
Tennessee $40,840
North Carolina $37,590
Ohio $35,820
Missouri $33,060
California $159,890
Washington $134,470

How do commercial diver salaries compare to similar careers?

Commercial divers earn about the same as related careers in Ohio. On average, they make less than forklift operators but more than molding and casting workers.

Career Median Salary
Forklift operator salary $35K
Printing worker salary $36K
Engraver salary $34K
Recreational vehicle service technician salary $35K
Motorcycle mechanic salary $35K
Commercial diver salary $36K
Quarry rock splitter salary $34K
Log grader salary $34K
Cabinetmaker salary $35K
Molding and casting worker salary $34K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)