Explosives worker earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level explosives worker earnings begin at:

$40.13 per hour

$83,470 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level explosives worker earnings begin at:

$37.34 per hour

$77,660 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level explosives worker earnings begin at:

$33.01 per hour

$68,670 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level explosives worker earnings begin at:

$26.69 per hour

$55,520 per year

10th percentile

Starting level explosives worker earnings begin at:

$18.90 per hour

$39,310 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Explosives worker salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Nevada $70,620
New York $70,470
New Mexico $68,670
California $68,610
Wyoming $68,000
Montana $67,400
Wisconsin $63,460
Alaska $63,330
Maryland $62,250
Massachusetts $60,670
Pennsylvania $60,620
Hawaii $60,610
New Hampshire $60,560
Colorado $60,350
Illinois $60,170
North Carolina $59,960
Arizona $56,670
Minnesota $56,670
Florida $54,100
Utah $52,190
Alabama $51,620
Iowa $50,870
Virginia $49,640
Louisiana $48,880
Georgia $48,650
Ohio $47,490
Missouri $46,810
West Virginia $46,500
Kentucky $45,690
Indiana $44,760
Oklahoma $41,760
Arkansas $40,930
Texas $40,100
Tennessee $39,360

How do explosives worker salaries compare to similar careers?

Explosives workers earn about the same as related careers in New Mexico. On average, they make less than locomotive engineers but more than building inspectors.

Career Median Salary
Locomotive engineer salary $76K
Surveyor salary $67K
Architect salary $68K
Occupational health specialist salary $72K
Cartographer salary $74K
Explosives worker salary $69K
Rigger salary $61K
Urban planner salary $55K
Crane operator salary $59K
Building inspector salary $53K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)