Flight attendant earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Flight attendant salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Arizona $77,610
Indiana $72,150
Washington $65,030
Oregon $63,660
North Carolina $63,540
Massachusetts $63,350
Florida $63,100
Nevada $62,100
Pennsylvania $62,031
New York $61,900
California $61,870
Minnesota $61,380
Georgia $60,360
Illinois $60,360
Michigan $60,360
Ohio $60,360
Texas $60,360
Kentucky $53,530
Colorado $49,930
Virginia $48,940
Utah $47,320
Wisconsin $41,450
Puerto Rico $18,270
Connecticut $108,620
Hawaii $103,580

How do flight attendant salaries compare to similar careers?

Flight attendants earn 13% more than similar careers in Connecticut. On average, they make more than aviation inspectors.

Career Median Salary
Flight attendant salary $109K
Transportation planner salary $90K
Air traffic controller salary $95K
Avionics technician salary $81K
Aviation inspector salary $80K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)