Genetic counselor earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Genetic counselor salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Massachusetts $99,030
Washington $98,650
Colorado $98,030
Texas $97,490
District of Columbia $95,870
Nevada $92,600
New Jersey $88,310
Ohio $80,080
Wisconsin $80,020
Minnesota $79,810
Pennsylvania $79,810
Arizona $79,340
Utah $79,310
Illinois $78,920
Missouri $78,670
South Carolina $78,430
Indiana $78,270
Virginia $78,260
Florida $77,780
North Carolina $77,450
Michigan $75,810
Tennessee $63,630
Maryland $63,400
Alabama $35,180
Georgia $31,410
California $116,550
Connecticut $100,870
New York $100,870
Oregon $100,060

How do genetic counselor salaries compare to similar careers?

Genetic counselors earn about the same as related careers in Maryland. On average, they make less than nurse educators but more than marriage and family therapists.

Career Median Salary
Nurse educator salary $87K
Counseling psychologist salary $79K
Clinical psychologist salary $79K
Genetic counselor salary $63K
School counselor salary $62K
Family social worker salary $58K
Clergy member salary $50K
Marriage and family therapist salary $49K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)