There are currently an estimated 1,500 geographers in the United States. The geographer job market is expected to remain the same size between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are geographers?

CareerExplorer rates geographers with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 6,300 geographers. That number is based on the retirement of 6,300 existing geographers.

Are geographers in demand?

Businesses, developers, and government departments responsible for urban and regional planning will need geographers to analyze information and to advise on land use, infrastructure location, and environmental impacts. In the United States, some of the most sought-after jobs in this profession are with Federal agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Bureau of Census, and Bureau of Land Management. Despite the consistent need for geographers, the very small size of the occupation results in only between two and five hundred new jobs per decade. Therefore, competition in the field is always extremely intense. Candidates who have used geographic technologies to complete projects and analyze data within their specialized sub-discipline should have better job opportunities. Many individuals trained in this field find geography-related jobs which do not carry the title of ‘geographer.’ These occupations include surveyor, cartographer, photogrammetrist, surveying and mapping technician, urban and regional planner, and geoscientist. While this career produces a small number of positions, experienced geographers possess a set of skills which is transferable to many industries that require expertise in areas such as market research, risk analysis, planning, and information systems.

What’s the supply of geographers?

Geographer job market by state

State Name Employed Geographers
Maryland 220
Texas 130
California 100
Colorado 70
Washington 40
Missouri 40
Arizona 40
Louisiana 30
Oregon 30