Industrial organizational psychologist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Industrial organizational psychologist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Minnesota $98,400
Pennsylvania $96,730
Virginia $83,230
North Carolina $72,790
Florida $67,240
Massachusetts $64,760
Oklahoma $57,440
Ohio $120,320
California $117,980
New Jersey $116,890
Oregon $105,630

How do industrial organizational psychologist salaries compare to similar careers?

Industrial organizational psychologists earn 9% more than similar careers in Oregon. On average, they make less than purchasing managers but more than financial quantitative analysts.

Career Median Salary
Purchasing manager salary $103K
Actuary salary $101K
Industrial organizational psychologist salary $106K
Supply chain manager salary $99K
Business analyst salary $82K
Operations research analyst salary $80K
Financial quantitative analyst salary $79K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)