Rail transportation worker earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Rail transportation worker salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Jersey $80,240
South Carolina $79,260
New York $64,350
Illinois $64,320
Missouri $63,440
Utah $62,010
Florida $61,990
Georgia $61,570
West Virginia $61,390
Minnesota $60,280
Indiana $58,580
Louisiana $57,910
Massachusetts $57,640
Nebraska $57,200
Tennessee $54,890
Oklahoma $54,570
Ohio $52,930
Virginia $50,680
California $49,990
Arkansas $48,210
Kentucky $48,120
Texas $47,880
Alabama $47,250
North Carolina $45,950
Iowa $43,410
Michigan $40,570
Kansas $39,470
Pennsylvania $36,210
Colorado $33,080

How do rail transportation worker salaries compare to similar careers?

Rail transportation workers earn about the same as related careers in Massachusetts. On average, they make less than freight and cargo inspectors but more than truck drivers.

Career Median Salary
Freight and cargo inspector salary $67K
Aviation inspector salary $67K
Avionics technician salary $72K
Aircraft mechanic salary $71K
Flight attendant salary $58K
Rail transportation worker salary $58K
Ship captain salary $56K
Shipmate salary $56K
Bus driver salary $52K
Truck driver salary $48K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)