There are currently an estimated 462,600 real estate agents in the United States. The real estate agent job market is expected to grow by 3.2% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are real estate agents?

CareerExplorer rates real estate agents with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 18,600 real estate agents. That number is based on 15,000 additional real estate agents, and the retirement of 3,600 existing real estate agents.

Are real estate agents in demand?

Employment of real estate agents is sensitive to swings in the overall economy, the health of the real estate market, and especially to fluctuations in interest rates. As economic activity declines and interest rates rise, the volume of sales and the subsequent demand for agents falls. This occupation is relatively easy to enter, allows for flexible working conditions, and offers high earnings potential – factors which historically attracted retired people and those seeking part-time careers. However, increasingly complex licensing and legal requirements associated with the industry are reducing the number of part-time agents. New entrants to the field naturally face intense competition from their experienced counterparts. Increased technology, which is improving the productivity of established agents, may also impact the rate at which new agents succeed in the field. In general, growing housing needs, perception that real estate is a sound investment, and low interest rates should continue to stimulate real estate sales and the job market for agents. Well-trained and motivated entrants with sales savvy and social and business connections in their communities stand to have the greatest success.

What’s the supply of real estate agents?

The real estate agent industry is concentrated in Florida, Texas, Georgia

Real Estate Agent job market by state

State Name Employed Real Estate Agents
Florida 17,750
Texas 15,770
Georgia 11,170
California 10,380
Washington 7,800
Virginia 6,880
Ohio 5,980
Pennsylvania 5,890
North Carolina 5,170
New York 4,960
South Carolina 4,500
Colorado 4,050
Oklahoma 3,670
Illinois 3,630
Arizona 3,340
Massachusetts 2,540
Maryland 2,430
Indiana 2,340
New Jersey 2,340
Michigan 2,150
Missouri 2,060
Minnesota 1,910
Kentucky 1,900
Tennessee 1,660
Nevada 1,630
Utah 1,600
Wisconsin 1,580
Louisiana 1,120
New Mexico 1,000
Alabama 860
Iowa 790
Arkansas 780
Mississippi 760
Kansas 740
Idaho 730
Nebraska 660
Oregon 640
Connecticut 630
District of Columbia 620
Delaware 520
Puerto Rico 450
Montana 420
West Virginia 410
North Dakota 350
South Dakota 340
New Hampshire 310
Maine 300
Hawaii 280
Alaska 200
Wyoming 160
Rhode Island 150
Vermont 80