Biotechnician earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Biotechnician salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Delaware $61,420
Maine $61,390
Massachusetts $60,920
New Jersey $57,840
Connecticut $50,840
Colorado $50,330
Arkansas $50,290
California $50,150
Pennsylvania $50,030
New York $49,900
Ohio $49,890
Washington $49,570
Iowa $49,560
Texas $49,560
West Virginia $49,480
Maryland $48,140
New Hampshire $48,140
District of Columbia $48,130
Virginia $48,050
Missouri $47,790
North Carolina $47,640
Illinois $47,040
Alaska $46,910
South Carolina $46,650
Minnesota $46,590
Oregon $46,590
Georgia $46,180
Tennessee $45,470
Michigan $45,160
Oklahoma $43,680
Utah $43,680
Wisconsin $43,680
Kentucky $43,120
Nebraska $41,910
Arizona $40,710
North Dakota $40,600
Rhode Island $39,870
Hawaii $39,380
Wyoming $39,290
New Mexico $39,150
Alabama $38,920
Mississippi $38,920
Louisiana $38,850
Nevada $38,820
Vermont $38,660
Kansas $38,620
Puerto Rico $38,320
Guam $37,880
Indiana $37,830
Florida $37,670
Montana $35,260
South Dakota $35,260
Idaho $31,510

How do biotechnician salaries compare to similar careers?

Biotechnicians earn 33% less than similar careers in Idaho. On average, they make less than geodesists.

Career Median Salary
Geodesist salary $62K
Soil and water conservationist salary $65K
Forensic science technician salary $50K
Epidemiologist salary $50K
Chemical technician salary $39K
Biotechnician salary $32K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)