Counselor earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Counselor salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Jersey $74,122
District of Columbia $66,828
California $66,264
Massachusetts $66,242
New York $64,196
Washington $64,186
Oregon $63,752
Colorado $62,510
Connecticut $61,460
Guam $61,190
Rhode Island $60,860
Minnesota $59,638
Texas $59,592
Alaska $57,100
Ohio $55,816
Virginia $55,686
Wisconsin $55,336
Michigan $54,282
Pennsylvania $54,074
Wyoming $53,847
Illinois $53,296
North Dakota $52,768
Delaware $52,662
Nevada $52,522
Indiana $52,074
Missouri $52,030
Utah $51,592
North Carolina $51,516
Maryland $50,208
Hawaii $50,207
Nebraska $50,082
Virgin Islands, U.S. $49,560
Maine $49,003
Vermont $48,930
New Mexico $48,765
Kentucky $48,235
Alabama $48,168
Tennessee $47,682
Georgia $47,516
New Hampshire $46,515
Arizona $46,152
South Carolina $46,008
South Dakota $45,688
Idaho $43,872
Kansas $43,330
Oklahoma $43,008
Iowa $42,945
Florida $42,658
Mississippi $41,855
Arkansas $41,430
West Virginia $40,802
Montana $38,987
Louisiana $38,900
Puerto Rico $32,487

How do counselor salaries compare to similar careers?

Counselors earn about the same as related careers in New Mexico. On average, they make less than school counselors but more than rehabilitation counselors.

Career Median Salary
School counselor salary $61K
Marriage and family therapist salary $49K
Counselor salary $49K
Credit counselor salary $47K
Family social worker salary $41K
Rehabilitation counselor salary $38K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)