Counselor earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Counselor salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New Jersey $74,122
District of Columbia $66,828
California $66,264
Massachusetts $66,242
New York $64,196
Washington $64,186
Oregon $63,752
Colorado $62,510
Connecticut $61,460
Guam $61,190
Rhode Island $60,860
Minnesota $59,638
Texas $59,592
Alaska $57,100
Ohio $55,816
Virginia $55,686
Wisconsin $55,336
Michigan $54,282
Pennsylvania $54,074
Wyoming $53,847
Illinois $53,296
North Dakota $52,768
Delaware $52,662
Nevada $52,522
Indiana $52,074
Missouri $52,030
Utah $51,592
North Carolina $51,516
Maryland $50,208
Hawaii $50,207
Nebraska $50,082
Virgin Islands, U.S. $49,560
Maine $49,003
Vermont $48,930
New Mexico $48,765
Kentucky $48,235
Alabama $48,168
Tennessee $47,682
Georgia $47,516
New Hampshire $46,515
Arizona $46,152
South Carolina $46,008
South Dakota $45,688
Idaho $43,872
Kansas $43,330
Oklahoma $43,008
Iowa $42,945
Florida $42,658
Mississippi $41,855
Arkansas $41,430
West Virginia $40,802
Montana $38,987
Louisiana $38,900
Puerto Rico $32,487

How do counselor salaries compare to similar careers?

Counselors earn 14% more than similar careers in Utah. On average, they make more than rehabilitation counselors.

Career Median Salary
Counselor salary $52K
School counselor salary $49K
Family social worker salary $45K
Credit counselor salary $45K
Rehabilitation counselor salary $37K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)