Internist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Internist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
District of Columbia $85,020
Puerto Rico $67,400
Georgia $63,990
South Dakota $287,890
Wyoming $275,350
New Mexico $267,630
New Hampshire $265,930
North Carolina $260,860
Nevada $260,100
Nebraska $259,500
Wisconsin $251,480
Minnesota $251,310
Oregon $251,050
New Jersey $249,200
Massachusetts $246,240
Mississippi $240,050
Alabama $236,850
Connecticut $236,460
Missouri $230,620
Utah $229,850
Alaska $226,770
Virginia $224,700
South Carolina $223,900
Washington $220,150
Arkansas $220,010
Ohio $219,910
Arizona $217,820
Oklahoma $216,910
Iowa $211,250
Pennsylvania $208,400
Maine $207,740
Tennessee $207,180
Vermont $204,990
Florida $203,050
Indiana $202,360
North Dakota $202,350
Colorado $202,210
Montana $201,550
California $200,190
Hawaii $195,710
Idaho $195,330
Illinois $190,200
Kansas $189,720
Louisiana $186,740
New York $185,620
Kentucky $182,540
Rhode Island $180,470
Delaware $163,000
Maryland $131,150
Texas $105,620

How do internist salaries compare to similar careers?

Internists earn 22% less than similar careers in Georgia. On average, they make less than anesthesiologists but more than chiropractors.

Career Median Salary
Anesthesiologist salary $200K
Family practitioner salary $180K
Pediatrician salary $162K
Dentist salary $149K
Podiatrist salary $109K
Internist salary $64K
Naturopathic physician salary $104K
Veterinarian salary $84K
Chiropractor salary $59K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)