Rotary drill operator earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Rotary drill operator salary by state

State Name Average Salary
California $77,050
North Dakota $77,000
Colorado $75,910
New Mexico $75,270
Missouri $75,150
Wyoming $62,210
Utah $61,930
Louisiana $61,360
Minnesota $56,660
Texas $55,920
Georgia $55,400
Maryland $55,060
Virginia $52,400
New York $50,350
Ohio $48,570
Montana $48,420
Alaska $48,320
Michigan $48,280
West Virginia $48,110
Pennsylvania $48,010
Oklahoma $48,000
Illinois $47,130
Indiana $47,060
Arizona $46,910
Florida $46,700
Kansas $46,640
Mississippi $46,420
Arkansas $43,400
Kentucky $36,750
Alabama $30,100

How do rotary drill operator salaries compare to similar careers?

Rotary drill operators earn 8% less than similar careers in Virginia. On average, they make less than crane operators but more than commercial divers.

Career Median Salary
Crane operator salary $61K
Elevator mechanic salary $61K
Avionics technician salary $67K
Hydroelectric plant technician salary $61K
Boilermaker salary $55K
Rotary drill operator salary $52K
Millwright salary $51K
Electrician salary $49K
Ironworker salary $50K
Commercial diver salary $45K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)