Top Jobs for Mathematics Degree Majors

Not sure what to do with your mathematics degree? Here are some of the most popular careers for graduates in your field.

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Best Jobs for Math Majors

Do you love to crunch numbers, contemplate patterns and relationships, and solve complex puzzles?

Mathematics students are systematic yet creative—talented thinkers with exceptional reasoning abilities. Although the degree sometimes gets a bad reputation for being impractical or overly theoretical, the opposite is true. Over the course of their studies, math majors gain invaluable skills and experience, developing their capacity for problem solving, critical thinking, logic, communication, and independence. They also learn to work in teams, explore and manipulate intricate ideas, and manage their own time.

Combined, these qualities set math students up for success for a wide array of careers—both inside and outside of their field. Let's take a look at a few of the most popular ones.

This article will be covering the following careers:

Career Avg Salary Satisfaction Your Match
Actuary $129k 2.7/5
Business Analyst $76k 3.0/5
Computer Programmer $93k 3.3/5
Software Engineer $139k 3.2/5
Statistician $113k 3.2/5
Accountant $60k 2.6/5
Auditor $58k 2.5/5
Cryptographer ?? ??
Financial Analyst $74k 2.8/5
68% Match?

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1. Actuary

Just like math majors, actuaries have top notch analytical capabilities, a deep understanding of probability and statistics, and the ability to communicate clearly and concisely. They use these skills to help organizations protect themselves from risk and loss and plan for a successful future. Internships are highly valued in this career, and math students with an interest in the profession are encouraged to gain as much relevant professional experience as possible after they graduate.

Actuary Actuary


Your Match?

An actuary specializes in assessing and managing financial risks in various industries, with a primary focus on insurance and pension plans.

2. Business Analyst

A business analyst is a clever, critical individual who acts as the glue that holds an organization together. These skilled professionals connect a company's business needs with its IT resources, a task that involves plenty of clear communication, precise analysis, and careful facilitation. Math graduates—with their knowledge of data and systems, as well as the team working skills they developed during their studies—can truly excel in this role.

Business Analyst Business Analyst

Business Analyst

Your Match?

A business analyst helps to bridge the gap between business needs and technological solutions within an organization.

3. Computer Programmer

Computer programmers spend their days writing computer software—a task that, like mathematics, is both creative and methodological. Math degrees provide students with a rich understanding of many of the key ideas and systems upon which the profession is based, making this line of work a natural fit. Although most math majors will need to gain additional education or training before they can dive into this career, those who do will excel.

Computer Programmer Computer Programmer

Computer Programmer

Your Match?

A computer programmer writes, tests, debugs, and maintains the source code of computer programs and software applications.

4. Software Engineer

Software engineers and computer programmers work together closely to design, create, and revise software systems. Although these two careers can appear similar, in truth, they are quite distinct. While computer programmers typically focus on coding, software engineers meet with clients, analyze their needs and budget, develop software designs based on those factors, and then direct programmers to implement them accordingly.

Software Engineer Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Your Match?

A software engineer applies engineering principles to the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software systems.

5. Statistician

Statisticians take data and formulas and apply them to academic, industrial, and government-related issues. They rely on a variety of statistical techniques—including those covered during a mathematics degree—and use them to solve real-world problems in industries such as healthcare, engineering, and business. Although many statistics jobs will require a master's degree in the subject, having a bachelor's in mathematics is one of the most desirable educational foundations you could ask for.

Statistician Statistician


Your Match?

A statistician specializes in the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

6. Accountant

Accountants assist individuals as well as businesses with managing and organizing their finances. They help their clients develop their short- and long-term goals and take the steps needed to achieve them. Success in this role requires a strong understanding of numbers, as well as a rigorous, detail-oriented work ethic—both of which mathematics majors possess.

Accountant Accountant


Your Match?

An accountant manages and analyzes financial records, prepares financial statements, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

7. Auditor

Auditors play a similar role to accountants, in that they help businesses organize and maintain their financial data. But while accountants often work in-house on a continuous basis, actuaries are typically hired from an outside firm to work on a specific project. For this reason, auditors tend to have a bit more variety in their day-to-day experiences, making it a more appealing option for some math graduates.

Auditor Auditor


Your Match?

An auditor is responsible for examining and verifying the financial records and reports of an organization to ensure that they are accurate and comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

8. Cryptographer

Cryptographers play an increasingly important role in our digital world. These highly skilled professionals use mathematical encryption methods, computer software, and specialized hardware to prevent hackers from accessing essential data systems. The job requires tasks such as developing and testing mathematical models, analyzing data, and developing new cryptography theories. Math majors will enjoy flexing their mental muscles in this intellectually engaging career.

Cryptographer Cryptographer


Your Match?

A cryptographer specializes in the field of cryptography, which involves the study and practice of secure communication and data protection.

9. Financial Analyst

A Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Statistics, or Mathematics is the perfect basis for a successful career in finance. Financial analysts work with businesses of all kinds, offering them guidance on when, where, and how much they should invest in the future. They analyze financial data, identify and monitor economic trends, and make predictions that help clients make better business decisions. Math majors, with their ability to identify patterns and navigate complex models and systems, are a natural fit for the job.

Financial Analyst Financial Analyst

Financial Analyst

Your Match?

Financial analysts are responsible for evaluating financial data, market trends, and investment opportunities to provide valuable insights for decision-making.