There are currently an estimated 2,982,900 customer service representatives in the United States. The customer service representative job market is expected to shrink by -5.5% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are customer service representatives?

CareerExplorer rates customer service representatives with a C employability rating, meaning this career should provide moderate employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will lose -154,900 customer service representatives. That number is based on the retirement of 7,800 existing customer service representatives.

Are customer service representatives in demand?

Employment opportunities and demand for customer service representatives are expected to grow significantly for the foreseeable future. This is due in large part to the expansion of several industries which operate telephone call or customer contact centres to consolidate sales and service functions. While some companies are increasingly using online self-service or interactive systems that enable customers to activate such items as address changes and billing procedures without speaking to a representative, many internet-based and other companies rely exclusively on their call centre representatives to manage more complex issues, including customer sales, service, loyalty, and refunds. Consequently, employers may seek to hire representatives who have education beyond high school. Although technology is making it feasible and cost-effective for call centres to be relocated outside of local business markets, consumers are increasingly expressing their loyalty towards companies which employ domestic manpower. Recognizing the importance of any competitive edge that increases retention of customers and emphasizes client relationships, companies are responding to this customer preference. This is particularly true in the financial services industry and the communications and utilities sectors. Competition for customer service jobs in the finance and insurance fields is projected to be especially robust, in view of the higher salaries associated with these positions. Although technology has tempered growth in these industries, it has also created new opportunities. Online banking, for instance, has reduced the need for telephone banking; but it has led to a greater need for customer service representatives who assist users with banking websites. Across all industries, job seekers in customer service who are bilingual typically enjoy better prospects. Numerous and ongoing openings tend to result from the need to replace workers who leave the occupation. Replacement needs are typically significant in this large occupation which employs many young people who eventually transfer to other jobs. As many call centres remain open for extended hours per day, the occupation is well suited to job seekers who prefer flexible work schedules or part-time employment. Another positive of the customer service field is that it is not as vulnerable to layoffs as some other sectors. Economic downturns may impact the degree to which customers make purchases or invest their money, but they generally continue to have service needs regarding their accounts and customer profiles. Customer service roles are frequently excellent stepping stones to more responsible supervisory or management positions, in which the knowledge gained from interacting directly with customers regarding products or services often proves to be indispensable.

What’s the supply of customer service representatives?

The customer service representative industry is concentrated in Texas, Florida, California

Customer Service Representative job market by state

State Name Employed Customer Service Representatives
Texas 259,670
Florida 236,730
California 210,160
New York 159,390
Pennsylvania 120,360
Illinois 115,640
Georgia 111,480
North Carolina 97,530
Arizona 94,680
Ohio 90,090
Michigan 88,760
New Jersey 68,330
Virginia 67,470
Wisconsin 66,670
Massachusetts 63,630
Tennessee 61,890
Minnesota 57,240
Washington 54,450
Indiana 52,910
South Carolina 51,580
Utah 49,510
Missouri 47,860
Maryland 46,520
Colorado 46,480
Kentucky 36,890
Iowa 32,760
Alabama 32,670
Kansas 31,680
Connecticut 31,180
Oklahoma 26,730
Nevada 26,150
Oregon 25,510
Louisiana 22,750
Nebraska 19,840
New Mexico 18,220
Idaho 18,110
Mississippi 16,970
Arkansas 15,760
Puerto Rico 14,240
West Virginia 11,910
Maine 11,680
New Hampshire 11,110
Rhode Island 9,450
Delaware 8,290
South Dakota 7,940
Hawaii 7,700
District of Columbia 6,030
North Dakota 5,930
Montana 5,470
Vermont 3,420
Alaska 3,260
Guam 1,370
Wyoming 1,360
Virgin Islands, U.S. 400